Friday, October 22, 2010

DJ's First School Dance (6th grade)

(In his own words)

The dance was AWESOME.
Today we were talking about the dance that went on on friday. My friend Tiruq and Zack said it was awesome. That was the truth, the dance was spectacular. There was food, drinks and everything. The best part was that it everything cost a dollar, I was happy about that. The next best thing was that there were awesome songs. The dance was fun, I especially liked these few songs. My favorites were ''Cha Cha slide", ''O.M.G", ''Your a jerk", "Teach me how to dugy''. I saw all of my friends and a few of my teacher. A few of the girls at the dance said I looked cute and some teachers said I looked cute too. we had it wasn't like the kind of dance I was expecting. I thought that was a good thing, I had a way better time than I thought I would. they even had a request list you could choose from. Overall the dance was great, I had a good time.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My First Organized Sport Experience

"I got started in basketball because of my dad and my step mother Seneik. My first day of practice went pretty smooth. I knew some stuff all ready so it helped. I think my coach is cool. But I wish we did more ball playing than passing. My team is the Lakers. I think my teammates are okay, i just need to get to know them better. Being part of a team feels pretty good. My expectations this season are to get to know the players better and become a better player."

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

His Crew

Spring has Sprung and the kids in the neighborhood all all thrilled to spend endless hours outside ...well at least till the street lights come on :)

Although there are over a dozen kids in the area his age he hangs out with these are three of the loyal door bell ringers at our house. Rachel, Jordan, & Taylor, all a great group of kids.